Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Scavenger Hunt

Lesson Plans: http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/6-8.html#

This site contains lesson plans that would engage the students, allow them to have fun, but still provide a solid lesson that will make sure they understand the material. There are plans for a wide variety of subjects taught in middle school math courses at this site, and they seem fairly easy to implement.

Assessment: http://www.nctm.org/resources/content.aspx?id=6336

While short, this list contains a good deal of useful information on rubrics, grading strategies, and assessment of skills. The strategies they mention are a great way to save time without lowering quality of assessment.

Professional Organization: http://www.nctm.org/about/default.aspx?id=166

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a nation-wide organization dedicated to helping math teachers by "providing vision, leadership and professional development". This is a large organization that could benefit anyone who joins it.

Teaching related videos: http://teachertube.com/videoList.php?pg=videonew&tags=math&cid=27

Here is a large source of videos on teaching. This particular link leads to the search results for "math" in the middle school channel. There is no shortage on videos, although finding some of very high quality might take some searching.

Technology tutorials: http://illuminations.nctm.org/LessonsList.aspx?grade=3&standard=1&standard=2&standard=3&standard=4&standard=5

The list provided by this link contains different online lessons pertaining to several middle school math subjects, in addition to about a hundred relevant topics. The tutorials are mostly games or other simulations. In addition, this site is run by the NCTM (see "Professional Organization")

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